Morning Sun

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We Are Chairman Mao's Red Guards
Lyric and music by the PLA Songs Editorial Department
Performed by the Propaganda Team of the Political Department, China People's Liberation Army units under the Beijing Command

Red Guards, Red Guards,
Burning with revolutionary zeal,
Tested by the storm of class struggle,
Tempered for battle our hearts are red,
Standing firm, direction clear,
Our vigor for revolution strong,
We follow the party with full devotion,
We are Chairman Mao's Red Guards

Red Guards, Red Guards,
We want to be the successors to Communism.
The revolutionary red banner passes on from generation to generation,
We want to carry on the glorious tradition.
Loving the country, loving the People, loving the Collective, loving to work.
Connecting with the workers and the peasants,
We are Chairman Mao's Red Guards.


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